diggers bringing shame on our country, page-29

  1. 2,499 Posts.
    You know what guys. I think there's been a serious misunderstanding here somewhere. The written form can be a sucky way to communicate sometimes!


    I fully agree with the road rage example. One thing I regret to fully convey in my previous post is that my frustration isn't with the soldier expressing the sentiment (it's hard to put blame on someone in their situation, who are also making an invaluable contribution to our country), it's with the overwhelming support that (I thought) HotCopperites were giving to the sentiment.

    Road rage is understandable, but it is still behaviour that needs to be censured as inappropriate - we can do better than that. In a similar vein, the soldier in question needs to be told "Look, we know you're angry, but this isn't on." I was expecting that kind of response from posters here, rather than what I thought was defense of the extreme racist views via bruceyg's statement "why can't he express himself."

    As for telling good Muslims and bad Muslims. You're right, there's no way. The only way is to nab them and bring them to justice after they commit a crime, which is too late to prevent the crime, but better than hurting innocent moderate Muslims. So far, with the criminal element of the Muslim society still a small minority, this system seems workable to me.


    You know, I think I've learnt something new: other people may not always share my reading style LOL. I always read the links in the post and treat them as if they were part of the post.

    Reading it from the perspective that bruceyg was responding to Pap's assertion that this is something new, rather than to the news story itself, then I'd agree, it's not a new revelation.

    Look over the situation again now, I do think I've come to too hasty a conclusion in thinking those TU's were for the sentiment expressed in that article. Now I think it's just a general defense of the argument that racist views in the military are nothing new, which I accept.

    I honestly don't think I would've gotten any sleep tonight if I had thought those TU's were supporting that 'kill 'em all' sentiment. Phew!

    You know nickyjames, if I knew for a fact that they took the post the same way you did and shared your views I'd sleep even better because then I know there wouldn't be a racism problem here.


    I was afraid of that when I saw the first few replies and all those thumbs up, but with the responses that followed I think they aren't around, in this thread at least :)

    I think everyone's heard enough of my gob for a while... of for a while, night all!
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