aborigines drinking royalties on booze, page-52

  1. 13,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Your dead right but the reason (true situational IQ) has been a secret kept under threat of racist calls/punitive punishment by our social predators for many years already.

    Life as an aboriginal before white settlement was no picnic and understood to be worse than what we see modernly too, true IQ levels like these make for very little social concern, cohesion or values as the west knows them.

    If white these IQs effectively mean one would be considered under law whenever appropriate on an individual basis not able to adequately look after ones self and certainly not able to look after another in their best humanitarian interest.

    Bottom line IMO is while there continues to be so much easy money and power in continuing current Aboriginal abuses and dysfunction it will continue....there is no roadblock but breeding out.

    Sadly many years ago the gross majority of children removed are alive because of it, this understanding is not social predator friendly.....but the rape, abuse and all other manor of applied dysfunction is today social predator friendly policy.

    Can we be as a nation more screwed up! I mean totally diseased of mind to care about 'feelings' above compounded gross abuse and often long time torture of young innocents.
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