julie bishop must explain or apologise ..., page-8

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    perleeeeeeeeese Fatsoh - and others on this vicious bandwagon - Brendan O'Connor for one - if we have nothing on Abbott let's go for Bishop - what, another McTernan inspired diversion??

    Labor can't control our borders - absolutely hopeless - right from the start - that's patently clear. And so we have this free-for-all run for it prior to this election let's all head of OZ rampaging boats campaign - so-called "asylum seekers" - making hay whilst the sun still shines.

    "passengers", on Indonesian ships, out of Indonesian ports, crewed by Indonesians (some of whom sue us and go back home with hundreds of thousands 'cos we have no clue how to tell how old they are) unlike paying Aussie passengers who took cruises on those on old stalwart ships like the Queen Mary, Orsova, Oronsay, or some little cargo ship touring outer remote Tahiti - or Philippines, or Greek Islands - or flocking around the Pacific on some bingo crazed eat all you can and let's get drunk and a sun-tan whiz bang cruise palaces - yes, passengers who - EVERY ONE OF THEM, seemingly, have VERY CONVIENTLY lost, (what, had stolen, thrown away, mislaid?) all their passports and personal papers. Some even reckon they don't know how old THEY are.

    Some could well have very wealthy families, with thriving businesses, or huge "old family" money, waiting at home, for these forward "anchors" to establish themselves here, so the whole extended family can come here and thrive on our welfare systems too. ALL posing as poor, put upon, poverty stricken, so-called "refugees". But in reality, economic refugees - opportunitts of the worst degree. WIlling to lie to get what they want. (Yes, I generalise).

    But REAL refugees, meanwhile, rot, unknown, sick and diseased, hopeless, truly poverty stricken, in packed to the rafters refugee camps - in many God-forsaken places. No hope of ever making it here. Or anywhere, for that matter,

    So Mr. Brendan O'Connor can't do his OWN job properly - nor could the Labor Ministers before him. SO now he lambasts Julie Bishop. and via the UK Guardian - that well-know bastion of all things Far Left, in London?

    Good on her for speaking out against the Indonesians! For it is they who let all these people into their country via THEIR borders in droved, so freely and blatantly - what, without papers or passports, or ID's? What, Indonesia doesn't then have to bear ANY respoisbility, trying to halt this exodus of economic arrivalists?

    Must try that one next time we hit Bali or Jakarta. Just walk in, and plead at the Immigration counter we are running from the horrors of a Gillard regime. Wonder how many Rupiah will do the trick?

    A TRUE, honest asylum seeker, by UN rules, I always believed, HAS TO seek refuge from the first country they encounter after fleeing. These queue jumping lying pretenders have come across many borders to get into Indonesia. Which all costs BIG money - and well bribed connections. How did they get into Indonesia - ? Probably First Class Air!! Plus plenty of well stuffed wallets for bribes. wem the gullible dopes, have not a clue what family conditions these people have. back home. COuld have a Daddy as rich as Croesus - who just wants to re-position himself - as cheaply as possible. With our welfare to help get things up and running for the whole family. (Especially the women). And so sends a son out to start the procedure off!

    So good on Julie Bishop. Some truth telling! Makes a refreshing change. This lady an intellectual giant, compared top many on the Labor Party Front Bench. She has the guts to fire a few shots across Indonesia's bows! It's high time they were pulled up in their tracks. THEY are the ones making money out of this racket - in a series of border to smuggler bribes and fees. Jule Bishop is defending US - and her country. And for this, O'Connor, hopeless himself in his role, forelock tugging to the Indos, (why) spews bile?

    FOUR people in custody here the day Howard was voted out. Now we have tens of thousands, all spinning the same "I lost my papers" lies - and going to cost us the taxpayers absolute billions for lifetimes! Gee, thanks Mr. O'Connor. Well may you pass the buck!

    Labor pulling the "aren't we rosy and saintly Pollyannas stunt". You reckon I'm cynical. They are the masters of such! Told you, they're Machiavellians. Always it's always, and just, about them.
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