fracking risk is overstated and misrepresented, page-21

  1. 7,439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21

    I could provide pages of info for Andy

    He's a grown boy and can do some googling himself. Have a look at AGL's demonstation farm at Gloucester. Using CSG water (which is treated.Do people think they are going to be able to dump salty water anywhere.It is like saying that we are going to dump untreated sewerage again)

    Crops are doing very well in this Demo. Water a godsend to farmers when it's dry.

    Butcherboy you also know the 70's predictions of the coming ice age are true. What makes you think because we are older than you we are less than you with your views. Been around the traps a few times and seen it all before.

    FRB there is no doubt that anti gas campaign is financially backed by some big hitters. UAE and the oil cartel bank- rolled Matt Damon's movie based around stopping shale gas in the US. Absolute flop of a movie but what the hell if they indoctrinate a few more. So oil is good now if it stops gas.
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