july 14000 + people arriving by boat, page-48

  1. 927 Posts.
    We are not responsible for the worlds problems. Particularly this neverending overflow of economic migrants.

    There is an unlimited supply of refugees/migrants. It will never end. It wouldnt matter if we took one million in, next year there will be 10 million more. There are hundreds of millions living in economic despair that would love to move to the first world.

    Make no mistake folks. we will be funding this whole enterprise out of our tax dollars. Money that could be used to develop the country.

    I hope all you cheerleaders will lead by example, sell your homes and move to the immigrant dominated areas. Leave us anglos in peace. But you wont. Its well documented in London this phenomenum of white flight. As soon as your neighborhood is overrun even the most liberal are selling up and moving on. Leaving the poor and elderly behind to fend for themselves in what now looks like a foreign territory. Who wants to live in Kabul and speak Urdu on their own street?

    I live in the culturally enriched UK. The fact is the immigrant/ethnic dominated areas are the worst areas of the City of London. They are run down, there is crime, there is rubbish on the streets, the shops look tacky, people dont speak English, there are problems with gangs and harrassment of women. Everyone wants out - even many of the immigrants themselves (those that want to better themselves). They are sinkholes of welfare dependancy. Why is this I ask? We are continually told that all this diversity is our strength. Utter bollocks. You can see the truth on the street and through the multitude of stories and anecdotal evidence from people who have come into contact with it.

    I can actually tell you who the troublemakers are. Chinese, vietnamese, Indians - all make lovely neighbors. Iranians are excellent people too. Usually highly educated. None of these terrorists, rapists or hate preachers are Iranian.

    North Africans, middle-easterners, Afghans, Pakistanis, parts of Central Africa, Somalians - some are ok but in large groups they are best avoided. Seen it all before in London.

    DDzx and KBear - you havent a clue.

    Prepare to be culturally enriched Australia!!
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