july 14000 + people arriving by boat, page-58

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Graham is actually a very common exmaple of the type of thinking thats put western countries in a perilous state.

    Its not his fault. Hes been brainwashed somewhere along the line."


    Probably thinks of himself as a very "nice" and civilized person though with enough arrogance to look down his nose at the rest of us. A bit of humility wouldn't go astray.

    The brainwashing has been going on a long time and has been very effective. Note how they just keep parroting slogans as if they were answers, inability to engage, avoiding answers.
    Tragic waste of an education...

    "Graham sees nothing of value in his own culture and history. Its just an empty land not worth defending. After all people of all races bought their culture - forgetting that 95% of the laws, customs, dress etc. are anglo based."


    He forgets that our culture goes back thousands of years. Must be sad to live and not see what is around you. Perhaps he is still caught up in the 70's when multiculturalism was all the rage, Al Grassby and all that.
    Learned to hate himself and other aussies. OK, back then it appeared cool and was one way to pull a better class of chick, but really, to carry on with it as if it were real...

    "However he appears fascinated by south east asian cultures. These cultures arent his own and he'll never have a deep understan"ding of them yet the colorful costumes and strange ceremonies draw him in."


    Sadly he probably doesn't realise that they would never accept him as one of them.They are all racist(by his definition)and would think it strange that someone isn't. They are all very proud and deep cultures but with a quite sharp sense of who's in and who's out. I had a Lao girlfriend years ago, so I speak from a little experience.


    "He seems to yearn for a culture of some kind. To belong to something. But the land is empty."


    Perhaps it's just a case of taking his own culture for granted so it sort of becomes invisible.Only other exotic and colourful cultures are therefore "real". In a sense they are to him as he can't see his own.


    "Graham has forgotten his own story. The tremendous struggle of his ancestors and their contribution to the modern world."


    Yes, the evil white man ad nauseum.He's full of free floating guilt like so many. perhaps it's guilt at having been lucky enough to have been born in Australia and having a nice life. The sort that wrings hands over blacks in the US but forgets that the first slaves there were white(but they don't count, wrong skin colour lol).
    These types will attack their own in order to allow in people who do actually look down on all of us. Will be quite a shock for people like Graham when the penny finally drops that the people they defended despise him as an unworthy infidel.


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