omega-3 prostate cancer link, page-46

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    Salt bush is a drought resistant bush, and very hardy to withstand grazing from sheep. Anything that eats it has their meat flavoured. I do not think it would be that nice to consume, and it also has a strong salt flavour.
    The better comparative is alfalfa powder, high in antioxidants, reasonable flavour, high in chlorophyll, and the worlds quickest alkaliser...fix upset stomachs inside 2 minutes, or those after a more alkaline system. I have used as a calmative to over hyped or anxious people, including ADD and adhd where a child went from yelling, swearing, hyperactive and non responsive to adults, to sitting quietly for an hour and a half listening to 2 adults chatting. All in a matter of minutes.
    Alfalfa powder comes from the lucern plant, which has an even deeper tap root (than salt bush), wherby it accesses those minerals leached down below the normal growth zone, and is the preferred horse feed because of its quality. Also helps control those with acid reflux or digestive disorders. My cupboards will never be without it.
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