australian's will riot in the streets soon, page-22

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Aussies are more likely to riot
    over an umpire making a bad
    State of Origin decision than
    over Abbott or Rudd being
    dishonest with voters.

    But 100 refugees a day arriving in leaky
    boats may cause some extremists on
    both sides or politics to agitate for
    extreme solutions for refugees.

    My view is refugees are desperate Do Or Die
    people who will risk everything to seek a
    safe haven from vicious regimes at home.

    When New South Wales was founded it was
    a harsh and lonely outpost in which rum
    provided the only relief for marines,
    convicts, and free settlers. But so
    much British currency was being
    sent to Bengal to buy rum that
    the British Government sent
    Captain William Bligh to
    enforce Prohibition.

    Bligh was overthrown in the Rum Rebellion
    of 1808. So the British Government sent a
    canny Scot Lachlan Macquarie to NSW as
    its Governor. Macquarie legalised rum
    smuggling and taxed it. He converted
    a huge enforcement cash outflow
    into a revenue stream that built
    Sydney Hospital and many
    other public works.

    Hence my proposal for people smuggling:
    Legalise it and tax it. That will save lives
    and convert a huge enforcement cash
    outflow into a revenue stream that
    is used on one 737 a day to bring
    100 refugees to Australia a day,
    vet them for terror or criminal
    links and resettle them and
    run English courses.

    Let Lachlan Macquarie's solution prevail.
    Prohibiting refugees (like prohibiting
    drugs) puts up the price and makes
    smuggling more profitable. But
    legalising people smuggling
    cuts the cost and provides
    a revenue stream to the
    Government, not to
    foreign criminals.

    Planes are the best way to stop the boats.

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