captain chaos

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    He who changes policy, unelected, on the run - is now spending$300,000 pf taxpayer's money - today - hiring Balmoral Town Hall to hold a Labor Party Caucus meeting.

    Here goes Rudd again - a bit like the fizzle of the 1000 minds flocking to Parliament House to meet with the new King - this raving sociopath all show, and NO pony!

    Not elected! NOT brave enough to fac the people before he goes off on yet more daily wild policy tangents. All done solely to get his "Wonderfulship" elected. Finally. That's this sole, and selfish aim.

    IN obvious Caretaker mode now - has been since the day he got voted in - HOW is it that he can go wild with power lust, DO all these mad things, without reference to any Parliament, let alone during an election campaign - ensuring the people will find out the REAL total wreckage and disasters, SHOULD they be stupid enough to vote this egomaniac in. Well, having HIS choice of a Gvernor General in power helps him hugely, in getting away with this MAchiavellian stunt of "No election being called, deliberately, to shut up and foil Abbott and CO - but I, unelected, will STILL ring in my gargantuan mad policies, I allege. If her opinion was called for, on this current shambolic outrage - of course she would come down on Kevin's side 100%, I allege!

    This the Rudd version of having a "democracy" - of "fairness" amd "decency" and "Answerable to the public who, if I pull enough such stunts, and get away with it, will be stupid enough to vote me back in.

    As for the current asylum seeker fiasco, lets not forget - just after Rudd defeated Howard, it was HE, alone, who snuck up to the wire fenced cage containing "The Beast" (our then contained Border Security problems - then under cotroland quiescent) - it ws RUDD, i the dark of night, hating Howard, who sheared off the padlock, pulled the bolt, and let the BEAT out for it's rampage!

    And now, this smriking alleged fake and fraud, has the colossal NERVE to prance around, pretending he's saving the day! When it was HE who was the original culprit - wh set all thei tragic huge MESS in motion.

    And now his scared, timid, weak little minion, will all traipse along today, hats in hand, eyes downcast - too scared to say BOO - it'll be "yes, Kev" - No, Kev" - "Three bags full, Kev". Spineless, gutless lot!

    And "Elbow Albanese - smug - "he won't be going to Yarralumla today". I wouldn't believe a thing this bloke told us - why, he uses to swear his loyal allegiance to Gillard. Like most of Labor, they'll jump on the ship which carries the most enticing loot - for themselves. Never mind the long suffering public - and OUR rights to democratic solutions.

    Yes, "Kevin Kardashian" - now acting wholly like a dictator on a mission - his whole aim - get all this thrugh - make me look good - and worry about the wreckage after we're in.

    Seems, with he current media luvvies, Labor can do what they absolutely like. And they say nothing. But they'll rush to rubbish Abbott - even if he dares blink! These journos all on their own gravy trains - lots of free lunches, dinners, and other "favors". no doubt - all at the Labor (taxpayer) expense. They're not stupid they know a gravy train when they see one.

    The Labor Party - the Party of the UNELECTED? - ruling thr roost - Dictator style.

    For we've had Joan Kirner, and John Brumby, in Victoria. Gillard only getting over the line courtesy Tony Windsor (first cousin to the absolute head honcho of Labor back room plotting - Bruce Hawker) - and the silly Rob Oakeshott railed in the Windsor wake - and then Bob Carr - hopeless, now bumblig, completely out of his depth, frelock tugging now to Rudd - himself unelected, and now we have Rudd - back - also UNELECTED!

    And too cowardly to call an election before inflicting his will on all of us!

    AFter all, wasn't it Labor's Gillard - wh promised us separate periods when SHE anounced an election date? A period of governance - then (after the writs are issued) an election campaign.

    Sneak Rudd does it even more arrogantly - he's been in an election campaign since he rolled Gillard - and now, UNELECTED, he proceeds to ram in all these disastrous policies - UNELECTED - in the process, totally denying the Opposition and the people ANY voice at all. HIM, calling all the shots.

    And spending a fortune on radio and TV advertising to self-promote - the very thing he himself condemned as a "cancer" on the system a few years ago.

    And this is HOW dictators and tyrants get to (gradually) manipulate populations, ened up running countries who DON'T have democratic elections! Rudd's not having one now - deliberately blocking off an possibility of the Opposition getting a voice. Dirty tricks are his modus operandi. No, not dirty - filthy tactics!

    Ram through all his grubby deals and shams, NEVER admit that HE, himself, is the problem, and devil take the people, or what it is THEY want and are entitled to. Which is RESPECT! The Gillard 8 month long stalling when she gave us an election date was a desperate, ludicrous joke and a deliberate politically unheard of outrageous imposition on our all our trusts - and now smarmy smug uncaring unelected Rudd plays smirky "Master of the Universe" games - telling us ONLY when HE (His Majesty) deigns to. What an arrogant, smug, totally self-obsessed jerk! Taking all of us for utter fools - what, little ignorant puppies - naively trusting we have a "kind" master or mistress - rolling over - to have our tummies. But perhaps getting a kick in the ribs, instead? By this, TELLING us he KNOWS we're all stupid? (Os he's so deluded he thinks so!)

    Australia, now, tolerating this outrage from him, is now many steps well down the road to a Labor dictatorship. You'll notice no difference watching the ABC though - only one Party discussed, ever, on there. IS there another? And we pay their bills! Their Charter - was to be objective and impartial. They've liong fallen off that idealistic perch!
    The whole lot sucking greedily at the well filled public funds teat! Not a hero, or a partiot, amongst the useless lot of them. (Nor the Labor Party sycophantic mass, either!)

    Australia - wake up. We HAVE to get rid of this now dangerous and out of control egotistical incompetent impostor of a poor imitation of a Prime Minister - (Caretaker mode!)..

    Just who the hell DOES he think he is?? off all I've said of him - this question IS the most pertinent.

    For he's come from the middle ranks of the public service. And in the opinion of many, he's always been totally out of his depth - and certainly running his own agenda - NOT this country for all our benefits.

    Any potential CEO has to present his/her past track record, for heavy Board and Shareholder scrutiny. The Rudd track record on policy is abysmal - but the Labor Party "Company" dish him up to us, once more. STILL wants to re-elect him. Today they'll all cave in - to his demand he can't be replaced. How weak is this? And worse, foist him on us, again.

    And why do scared stiff Labor Party hordes say nothing - fall into line - compliant. Because they are too scared and cowardly, too bullied by their Party systems scared to speak out. Plus - they want their jam thick on their own boutique loaf of bread.

    wonder what these privileged few will be served up for an up-market lunch today, at OUR expense. Best chefs engaged, no doubt. Nothing BUT the best, for Captain Chaos. King of the Spin.

    Can't see HIM eating a Subway!
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