xenophon lodges formal complaint against alp, page-25

  1. 16,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    I don't want to get into a conversation with anyone here because each side has there own immovable view and it's like getting on a merrygo round.

    I did however want to correct one poster .Just because you win an election or are prime minister or whatever role you assign yourself doesn't give you a mandate to do whatever you like . The voters have only elected you to act on their behalf ,within the limits of natural justice

    You are still subject to the laws of the land ,other nation's laws as far as they apply to you ,and a moral if not a legal obligation to report and act truthfully in your intercourse with your constituents and other nations who might be affected by your actions .Because of the legal firepower that governments have at their disposal it is often history that generally ,though not always ,passes judgement on these matters.

    In this instance Rudd is skirting a very fine line and the judgement of history is likely to eventuate sooner rather than later .Of course his only purpose is to buy ten or twelve weeks and throw whatever he can at that ,what happens after that ,foolishly ,he doesn't presently care
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