rudd a baby and a 10-yr-old girl have drowned!, page-36

  1. 6,764 Posts.
    spot on oorain, this nasty gutter politics needs to end, if Abbott has genuine concern for these people he would work with the government to find a solution
    that is complete bile justis and if you only used half your grey matter you would know it

    the facts cannot be disputed
    if rudd had not made an uneducated emotive pre election boast that he could stop them in a more 'humane' way ?
    (if this is humane then im rip van winkle)

    if gillard had not been determined to make another uneducated plan with malaysia which didnt even get through the high court (refer total smozzle)

    if rudd and the alp could swallow their collective pride all these and more lives could and will be saved

    what has me completey baffled is the ignorance of those on the left display, when you cant even figure out for yourselves that if you adopted the libs way and it too failed, then it then becomes a bi partisan problem and the alp would actually look good as a result

    but that would involve using some of the same grey matter that your lot dont posses
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