be on alert!!!, page-18

  1. 930 Posts.
    Now how could they nuke us, munch, we keep getting told by all the Saddam accolytes on HC and on TV that he doesnt have any.
    now which is it , he does or he doesnt have them , or does he have them sometimes and not others.
    Coz if he dont have them he cant, but if he does have them , then hes in breach of the UN resolution, which means, .............BOMBS AWAY!!!

    I must admit, i really love the constantly shifting principles you guys keep running from one cover to another, changing your

    It really is hilarious .

    You agree Saddam and Nth Korea are run by madmen, they should be removed,then you wish they had nukes so they could attack the West.??

    You dont want to see innocent civilians iraqis suffer from US attack,(Gulf war estimates are between 1000 to 2000 civilians were killed) but you dont mind if Saddam knocks off a few hundred thousand.??

    The world expects the Iraqis to be better off without Saddam, and so do 4 million Iraqi refugees id say, seeing as how they voted with their feet, but you want him and the status quo to remain.??

    In fact , in your world , youd be happy for every tinpot despotic butcher to remain. Principled humanitarians?? Gimmee a break. what a joke.

    You so called humanitarians actually support the retention of the worst bastards on the planet, and the only power who have the ability to lead a force to remove them , you constantly vilify.
    You b!tch slap old GW even tho he was elected, you praise the lunatics who either have rigged elctions or no elctions at all. 100% approval. Gimme a break , even Allah wouldnt do that well.
    Talk about Irish pirates with patches over both eyes.

    Why are socialist/marxist humanitarians so blindly cruel and callous ?
    How can so called educated people be so incredibly dumb?

    Is it because you were brough tup on a diet of socialist tripe at UNI, is it becasue you think youre so much better than the guy who works on the factory floor and actually produces something other than hot air, and is it because you poor arrogant fools refuse to to admit to yourselves that yuo have wasted your lives following a sad discredited philosphy of Life that has been exposed as the doctrine of slaves and gullible twits.
    Please explain.!

    No matter, you sad twerps, chuck wobblies all you want , the fact still remains:

    GW is still gonna take Saddam out.
    The Iraqis are still going to be free of your pal.
    The world is still going to be guaranteed a secure oil supply.
    The other arabs, if they can get their heads out of the Koran long enough to see that theyve been suckered for the last 1500 yrs may just be better off under the benign guidance of the Great Satan(i wouldnt count on it tho)

    And best of all, Fallguy, Ardent, Gaweb and the other crazies, no matter how hard they bang tin cans, stamp their feet and beat their tambourines and wish otherwise, youre gonna get squashed in the aftermath.

    They will just have to limp away (again) sit in the dark,cuddling their Fidel T shirts and their Little Red books for security , spewing and screaming and sobbing , ripping of their urine stained bedsheets for handkerchiefs, totally devastated that they just got rolled ................yet once again.....So funny.

    Hahaha !!Your days are numbered girls, you are the shabby remnants of a quasi political/religious cult that was so bad that even the its creators have disposed of it in the garbage bin of failed Ideologies.

    All please rise as the SS (socialist Scow) LeftWing Cretins slips beneath the waves of History, stern first...........and with a little bit of luck , with all hands on board.

    Long overdue.

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