jesus could not have existed, page-175

  1. 13,770 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    wesr - Satan = materialism (the opposite of spirit)therefore Satan rules the planet Earth. It's all about THE MONEY!!

    Satan from saturn (one & the same also represented by the Black Cube which the moslems bless in Mecca)

    A wedding ring is symbolic of saturn (satan)

    You must have a read of this wesr

    Blavatsky never claimed to be a freemason.

    The degrees which Madame Blavatsky received according to thia paper were those of Apprentice Companion Perfect Mistress, Sublime Elect Scotch Lady, etc., etc., of the Rite of Adoption. To put forward such a document as evidence that a woman is a Mason is the veriest trifling and seems to us unworthy of serious comment. Thousands of women have been members of the Rite of Adoption and have not claimed to be Masons because they knew better, and it has been reserved for a man to put forward such an utterly absurd claim for a woman who is dead and whose good friends say that she never claimed to be a Mason.

    When we say the good friends of Madame Blavatsky assert that she never claimed to Mason we refer to members of the Theosophical Society. Shortly after the issuance of our article, Notes from India, we received a letter from Brother J. H. Fussell of Point Loma California, taking us to task for intimating that Madame Blavatsky ever claimed to be a Mason and urging us in the strongest terms to correct what he deemed an error and one that is unfair to the memory of H. P. Blavatsky.
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