party time - free stubbies and oj

  1. 29,908 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    wow - this is unbelievable - watso , on his way to the shops this morning, spotted a full 2 litres of berri OJ - on the kerb side - so picked that up, but next to the oj there was a box with an asortement of broken stubbies - but watso noticed two full stubbies - oettinger beer - so picked them up. sadly watso did not tie down his kill too securely, and watso lost a stubbie.

    coles had half price (NOTE - not rtc) garlic and herb bread - then watso dashed around to woolies who had raisin bread for $2 per loaf - but when watso go to the check out, they charged $4.95 - watso complained - but it seems that it was only $2 for reward card holders - but they just hand out a reward card on the spot, and scan it - and one can fill in the details, on line, later on.. watso does not like reward card type stuff - because that is how they track ones shopping.

    so party time at watso's today - with beer, oj, cheap garlic bread and cheap raisin bread.

    oh - with his kill, watso was a bit short on space - but did notice crackers at woolies for half price - so watso might dash back to woolies and snap up some crackers - so the party will also include crackers tomatoes and cheese
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