bob katter backs rudd , page-9

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    I've always thought Katter's nothing but a loud-mouthed, gibbering idiot. Madly giggling - never listening to anyone else's alternate point of view - and hugely egotistical (almost as bad as Rudd!).

    Who sees his Seat as some sort of privileged private fiefdom, to be handed down from his father to him, and eventually him to his son. An opinion I suppose I can hold - without getting taken out and shot - or hung - or tortured - in this, a Western democracy.

    Well. Mr. Katter, a loud voice does not winneth an argument. Nor does not listening to anyone else. Nor, (worst of all) strutting around egotisically in a big white cowboy hat!
    Not a cow or a horse, in sight.

    "Vanity Fair".

    A fence sitter this man. He was on cahoots with Windsor and Oakeshott, I allege, when pus camr to shove, in 2010.
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