politifact discusses , page-5

  1. 38,075 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    I like how people make statements in the media and quite often the public takes it as fact rather than a generalisation . I'm not sure whether it has always been this way or because of modern media it has become more prevalent .

    BHP/ExxonMobil currently has about 7tcf 2p of reserves ( declared ) for Bass Strait . Certainly a handy amount of gas and maybe there is a bit more tucked away that we don't know about . I might add that they are now starting to tap gas with higher CO2 and a bit of mercury from the Kipper field , so I guess their production costs will increase a bit .

    So that's what we know as opposed to what certain people might say about ' decades ' of supply. Does that mean supply at the current rate ? What happens if the demand goes up ?

    The other thing that we know are the contract prices that are appearing for LNG exports from Australia.

    So , yes , there will be gas available in Australia for NSW . That statement would be accurate imo.

    What we don't know is how much are we going to pay to get it ?

    And that's the most important question .
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