19 year old first time voter

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    From a young 19 year old First time voter. All the best Lachlan.

    So the Liberal Party released their budget today...
    After so much fear and propaganda over our 'economic crisis' and our 'massive debt', they plan to cut funds for foreign aid (that is supporting refugees, asylum seekers and participation with the UN in 3rd world countries) by 4 billion dollars. Hold on, I thought that was a massive issue that required immediate attention?

    Apparently it is far more urgent to implement a 6.6 billion dollar parental leave system so that the wives of filthy rich white collar men can still drive their Mercedes to the hairdressers and buy expensive designer maternity clothes when they fall pregnant. Meanwhile, women and children fleeing the violence and oppression of their home countries freeze, dressed in rags, and drown on our shores when they are refused the hospitality of our more-than-capable nation.

    You know what makes all this worse? What really boils my blood?
    This Saturday, The Liberal National Party will probably win the election.
    This Saturday, Tony Abbot will probably become the new Prime Minister.
    And this Saturday, will become a dark day in the history of our fair country.

    Why? Because people are ignorant.
    People believe what they hear and see on radio, television and in newspapers.
    It is our responsibility as proud citizens of Australia to be aware, educate ourselves and research the details of this election in order to make a carefully informed decision as to who will lead our country into the future.
    Too many people take their freedom for granted and do not pay our democratic system the respect that it deserves. I feel that I have fulfilled my role as a free member of democracy.

    And that is why this Saturday I will be voting for
    Kevin Rudd and The Australian Labor Party
    Because I love Australia, and I hope that one day in the future I can tell my children the story of this pivotal moment in our history with pride, not shame.
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