the war you don't see. , page-19

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    meerkat. Have you been living in Lu Lu Lan?/

    Which country helped break down the Berlin Wall Blockade?

    Which country enabled the West Germans to bypass the Berlin Wall Blockade?

    Which country stopped the North Koreans from imposing their thuggish regime on millions of South Koreans, a regime that resulted in the miserable deaths of thousands,if not millions, of North Koreans?

    Which country stopped Imperial Japan from imposing its barbaric will on all of Asia, and potentially, Australia?

    Which country stopped the Soviet Union from imposing its iron fisted will, and the spread of its ignominious and barbaric Gulags, on the Free World?

    Which country was instrumental, through its firepower, in stopping the 'Ethnic Cleansing' in the old Yugoslavia?

    etc etc

    The USA. The USA. The USA.

    Which totalitarian countries were instrumental in the death, by torture and/or starvation, of millions of their own people? Here is a short list:

    The Soviet Union, the final total unknown, but in the millions, especially the peasants that Stalin despised;

    Mao Zedong who starved millions of his own people through the period of the grossly misnamed Cultural Revolution?

    The Khmer Rouge and the Killing Fields of Cambodia, which resulted in the death of at least two million, and untold number who were tortured.

    Hitler. The many innocent victims that were burnt to death in his hideous gas chambers, and the millions in the war that he started

    And let's not mention the thousands killed and or tortured by African dictators.

    Open your blinkered narrow vision eyes, and see the world as it really is.

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