jesus could not have existed, page-343

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    The incorporation of Christianity as an official religion: yes or no= yes

    Constantine was a lifelong pagan who was baptized against his will on his deathbed. Yes or no = no

    Constantine made Christianity the official Roman religion solely for political gain. Yes or no =yes

    Christianity is a hybrid religion, the result of Constantine's fusing the pagan cult of Sol Invictus with Christianity. Yes or no= no

    This blending can be seen in Constantine's changing the Christian day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.

    Yes or no= cant answer yes or no because this only applies to the people who accepted this order,there were many christians who lost their lives for refusing to deny the sabbath

    Under Constantine's influence, the Council of Nicea, by a small majority, turned a mortal prophet into the divine Son of God. Yes or no= no

    Constantine ordered the making of the Bible that would reinforce the Council's decision to make Jesus the divine Son of God, and at the same time ordered the destruction of opposing documents.

    Yes or no= lol lol no

    Constantine decided that Rome would further become stronger with a much united empire through the belief of JC, not that he believed himself.
    Yes or no=yes

    It is imperative that Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, have a firm grasp of their faith and of church history. Faith and history go together. We cannot separate church history from what we believe yes or no.= thats what they say=yes

    The Orthodox understanding of truth is grounded in the Incarnation, the Son of God taking on human nature. Because the Son of God entered into human history, truth consists of more than a set of logically consistent concepts.
    Yes or no =once again thats what rome says =yes

    Our faith is grounded in the historical figure Jesus of Nazareth, who asserted: I am the Truth. When Orthodoxy claims that the Christian Faith is the true faith, it is asserting that it is a real faith, based on historical events that actually happened. Because Christianity is grounded in reality, our salvation in Christ is a real salvation that has an impact on both the spiritual and physical realities.

    Yes or no=once again a roman creed =yes
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