jesus could not have existed, page-359

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    dlux said,

    "Under Constantine's influence, the Council of Nicea, by a small majority, turned a mortal prophet into the divine Son of God. Yes or no"

    "Actually how Jesus Krestus became the Roman Catholic god is a very good read. The Romans at The Council of Nicea decicded to be like the Jews & have only 1 god -previously they has 52 or was it 53 gods so for simlification Constantine decided on a 1 god religion - the decision took around 18 months & some a great deal of tossing a few names around but out of the bottle guessed it & the rest as they say is history."

    In actual fact,this isnt where jesus became the son of god at all

    At the council of nicea,this is where the roman church defined the trinity as being god

    Whereas before this council,as i spoke about in my post on this subject above

    This concept ,not only being of pagan origin,

    Actually denies the sonship of jesus christ to god the father,and until this time in history had not only never been a part of judaism,but never been the god that the christians worshiped.The argument was about two words,and two sides,as usual,when the church made a bull or an order about doctrinal issues,if you dared to go against orthodox opinion,you would be heavily punished by the church state authorities.

    For example,there was never in the history of christianity ,sunday worship as the day of rest,as clearly in the scriptures there is no discussion of a change of the 10commandments or the sabbath from one day to another,the facts are that rome changed the day from saturday to sunday as a show of her ecclesiastical power of the people,and til this day the majority of christians still follow these pagan traditions ,becuase they were forced upon the believers eventually on the pains of death by the state.

    TO ASSUME that all christians believe the same as orthodox christianity,which today follow pagan concepts that were forced upon the people sometimes by death,these concepts still continue today

    To think that all christians follow these things above scripture,is just intellectual laziness and intellectual dishonesty

    Even most christians will explain away these pagan concepts and their origin,because they realise nearly all churches etc are still filled with unbiblical concepts

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