jesus could not have existed, page-361

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    I must find the minutes of the Council of Nicea however in the meantime this from Bushby who has studied original documents from the archives.

    by Peter Little


    PL: Across Australia, this is Peter Little of the Community Radio Network with the program
    “Cover-to-Cover”… and on the line from somewhere in Europe, we have Tony Bushby, author of a very controversial book called The Bible Fraud…. G’day Tony.
    TB: Good morning Peter. How are you today?

    PL: Well, thanks Tony. But let’s get into this by asking… Who is Tony Bushby?
    TB: Well Peter, I guess the simplest thing I could say is that I’m an Australian who has spent around about thirty years of my life in the publishing industry and, during that time, I researched and wrote quite a few high quality specialist magazines for the Australian and New Zealand markets. That took many years of my life and I had a lot of fun with that… publishing and writing.

    PL: What prompted you to write The Bible Fraud, Tony?
    TB: Well, during my course of publishing magazines, I did a lot of international research on Near Death Experience, which fascinated me, and I spoke to over 500 people worldwide who had been revived from clinical death. I published a quality color magazine on the subject called “Glimpses of Life Beyond Death.”
    Some of these people’s stories, Peter, were extraordinary and one particular lady came to see me. She was quite an elderly lady… probably in her early seventies and she had a Near Death Experience. She had fallen down with a heart attack at the front door and the neighbors over the road saw her collapse and rang the ambulance and she was taken away and revived. She came back and then she couldn’t explain what happened to her… this wonderful experience where she was reunited with her Mum and Dad who had been deceased for quite some time.
    So she went to see her priest and he told her that this experience really didn’t happen and that she had been tempted by the Devil because Jesus wasn’t there to meet her. This lady was quite mentally perturbed because she had this experience and she just didn’t know what happened to her. So the Church teachings and her actual experience conflicted and she was on the verge of committing suicide.
    We had a good talk together and she actually really stressed the point that somebody should go out and tell the world that what happens when you die is not what the Church tells you what happens. She got me thinking about the Bible, which led me into some deeper research, and I came to a series of conclusions that seriously conflicted with the actual Church teachings… and that of course, led me into deeper research. Hence today… The Bible Fraud… which is the first of a series of three books about the Bible.

    PL: This took how many years to research? I have got a figure down here saying twelve years. That sounds extraordinary!
    TB: Yes well, it actually was Peter. It was twelve years full time and there was quite a few years leading up to it. Some of those years… five thousand hours, one hundred hours a week is not really enough and during that time, I had some extraordinary experiences in being introduced to wonderful, old archival libraries and some extraordinary material that is not freely available to the public… in fact at one stage, I actually lived in an old archival library for ten weeks and slept on a mattress on the floor.

    PL: You didn’t find any discomfort in all that, I suppose?
    TB: I loved every minute of it.

    PL: Now, these private archives that you talk about, where are they located?
    TB: Well, most places around the world seem to have an old library that nobody seems to want to use. In London, one old lady had seven hundred and sixty-three Bibles hidden away in her closets. In New Zealand, there are some wonderful old archival libraries in private collections that came out from England many years ago and are never used. It’s quite sad to see these books locked away like that.

    PL: Also I imagine you were able to tap into some of the Church libraries around the world… the religious libraries.
    TB: They do have what they call their Manuscript Divisions and I was lucky enough to get into some of those and also the Rare Manuscripts Division of the British Museum. They have a massive collection of old writings and old manuscripts and also the Alexandrian Library in Egypt. They have got over one hundred thousand rare manuscripts in their vaults.

    PL: You can access those without much trouble?
    TB: You can with the right approach. Yes, most certainly.

    PL: With the right connections I suppose?
    TB: Not so much connections. If you are a genuine bona fide researcher, they will get you in.

    PL: So what do you hope to accomplish with the book, Tony?
    TB: Well, I seem to think I have got onto some information that hasn’t been freely available Peter, and publishing this book provides for another side to the story regarding the origins of Christianity and that story is a different story to that presented by the Churches. So we have got out there a public record with this information available for people to add to or do their own research or take it or leave it… whatever they like.

    PL: Having had read the book, it would appear that the New Testament story of Jesus Christ is, in your interpretation, a fabrication.
    TB: Well, I would have to say straight up, Peter that it’s a forgery in its entirety and is knowingly presented by the Church falsely. They know there are forged passages in it and they come out quite clearly and state that. So my position is to point out those fabrications and forgeries and see if we can get down to what really happened in the origins of the story of Jesus Christ.

    PL: The thing that I also found confronting is you saying that the Virgin Mary had seven children.
    TB: Well, what I’m actually saying there Peter is….. I don’t necessarily say that. The Gospels say that. The older the Gospels you use, the more clearly it is presented. The Church’s own Gospels state that she had seven children and one of those boys was called Judas Thomas. Now, he was the brother of Jesus as was James. Thomas was an Aramaic word for “Twin”… Tomas meaning “Twin”. So Judas was a twin and he is often called “Judas the Twin” in some variations of the Gospels. He is the twin brother of the person we know today as Jesus Christ. This fact is conveniently overlooked by many of the priesthood today.
    So in the story in The Bible Fraud, we have actually unraveled the whole life stories of both the boys:

    One became a Rabbi - who is Rabbi Jesus - and the other became rather a wild drinking man - who is Judas Thomas the Twin. They had two entirely separate lives.

    When you read the New Testament, Peter with that understanding, it accounts for all the contradictions and all the problems within it.

    PL: Just to recap, you are saying Jesus had a twin brother, that Mary the mother of Jesus had a number of children and all these things are clearly explained in your book The Bible Fraud.
    TB: Yes, it’s fully unraveled.

    PL: Did I hear correctly you saying that the Church authorities or elders are fully aware of this and are not prepared to verify that?
    TB: Yes, that’s right. They actually make these statements quite plain and clear in not so much the modern encyclopedias but in their old editions. The 1907 Catholic Encyclopedia clearly stated that the virgin birth narratives are fourth century fictitious editions to earlier writings. This is quite disturbing really because this is one of the tenants to Christianity and they are actually telling us in writing that it didn’t really happen.

    PL: It terms of the whole virgin birth story…. I picked up in the book that the mother of Jesus was in fact part of the nobility.
    TB: That’s right. In the oldest Gospel, she is written down with the name as Mariamne. Now,
    Mariamne was the granddaughter of King Herod. In fact, she was his favorite granddaughter and she was of bloodline. It appears, from the scanty records available, that she was raped by a Roman archer and his nickname was “The Panther.” This man later became the Emperor of Rome in 14AD. He was Tiberius who was the adopted son of Emperor Augustus.
    Mariamne bore the twins and they were hidden away for a while in the House of Augustus. They were both quite clearly of royal blood and we see in the Gospels itself where Jesus is called King over thirty times yet records of history never record Jesus as being King. We found an old record in our research that those twin boys were actually brought up in the House of Augustus. Because Augustus and the twelve first Caesars were deified, these twin boys were called the “Sons of God”. That was quite correct in the traditions of the day. They were technically the “Sons of God” because, after these Roman emperors died, they were deified. They were classed as gods and holidays were held for them and these boys were the “Sons of God” in the technical sense of the time.

    PL: You are saying these two boys… one was a man of the cloth, a Rabbi and the other was a bit of a lad, was he?
    TB: One was a bit of a lad. One was esoteric. He adopted a spiritual understanding and belief and he became the Rabbi. The other fellow was exoteric. He became a very earthly man and he was the one who ordered his followers to buy swords. They were drinking men and they were pretty wild boys. So these two boys went their own ways. One became responsible indirectly for the King James Bible and the other became responsibly indirectly for the Roman Catholic Bible. One went east and one went west and this is where we get the two variations in the Bibles used in churches today.

    PL: This is fascinating stuff. It is all revealed there in the book. I can talk about this for a long time with you Tony. Let’s keep going because, if you are prepared for a few more minutes to discuss this, we’ll keep going.
    TB: OK, right.

    PL: Are you happy about that?
    TB: Yes.

    PL: Great stuff. Well, in the book, the death of Jesus is not as we have been led to believe either. Is that what you are saying in the book?
    TB: That’s exactly right. The two boys had their own lives. The wild, fighting man, Judas the Twin… he was actually arrested. He marched on Rome with a large group of warriors. He went to see his father, who was then the Emperor Tiberius and he wanted his royal right to be the Emperor of Rome. He was actually betrayed by Judas Iscariot, who was an infiltrator from the Roman army. Judas the Twin was captured and charged. He was the one to be crucified because he had marched on Rome and he had been caught and this was seen as an overthrow so he was to be crucified.
    Because of his royal birthright… he was first born… he had the right to order a substitute to take his punishment. This is a very ancient tradition that goes way, way back to the Egyptian times where a royal person could order a substitute to take the punishment. So a person called Simon of Cyrene… we read about him in the Gospels… he was pulled in off the street.

    PL: He picked up the cross.
    TB: That’s right. He was punished. He was the one crucified.

    PL: He was the one crucified, was he? He just didn’t pick up the cross and carry it?
    TB: That’s him. That’s recorded in the Gospels. He was crucified in place of Judas the Twin. Now, because Judas the Twin had given up his birthright by saving his own life, he was then sold into slavery. He was shipped off to India and there is a tomb there in Kashmir today, which we believe to be the actual tomb of the twin of Jesus. Now, because Rabbi Jesus and his family were involved in overthrow and the crucifixion…
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