jesus could not have existed, page-370

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    big thumbs up there dlux,
    we have already addressed the issues contained in your cut and paste

    1 in regards to constantine and the god of pagan christianity
    2 the origin of this type of christianity
    3 the pagan origin of the trinity
    4 why some people have a one size fits all view of christianity and its origins
    5 how some people just dont get it when it comes to the above issues,thankyou for once again underlining this with your relentless cut and pastes of your opinion
    6 credibility of eosoteric and new age agendas agendas and web sites,ie tony bushby and his sources for his materials

    7 love this quote,as i speak im sure for myself and a few others on this thread,how we actually agree with this following quote about pagan christianity of which we have already addressed is not what we believe in,but heck,thanks for underlining papal teaching again for us all

    Democracy had given a big thumbs-up to JEHOVAH, and he was very willing to return the favor. The Church and the State have been best buddies ever since. (Particularly in Vatican City, where the Church is the State.) This alliance gave Christianity a huge boost, particularly when it came to obliterating other religions via invasion, persecution or — if all else failed — war.

    Christianity was a huge success. At least, for the Christians. Other cultures had a tendency to shrivel up and die when JEHOVAH arrived at the door. Like a sponge, Christianity absorbed pagan religions and stole all the best bits. For example, Easter (Saxon) and Christmas (Germanic and/or Roman). Local Gods were demoted to the level of Saints, Angels or — in really difficult cases — Demons. (See CROM-CRUAICH, SHEELA-NA-GIG, PAN, EOSTRE...)

    How times have changed since the bad old days of unpronounceable YHWH and the Public Relations disasters of MOSES. Thanks to the JESUS factor, JEHOVAH is accessible, friendly, and suitable for all members of the family. A bit like a Disney movie really"

    couldnt agree more matey!!

    8 glad we dont believe in the above stuff either,but like old mate igilug,dlux, lets not get in the way of a good cut and paste opinion session will we,when it comes to knowing our subject matter of origins and others beliefs
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