jesus could not have existed, page-383

  1. 7,453 Posts.

    "Please help me understand, how the two can be deceptively close?"

    New age and esoteric belief talk all the time about "christ consciousness",a so called "childishly" idea that christ had attained this mystical reality that the so called"masters attained",or "spiritual enlightenment"

    This premise of so called spirituality is offered to all if they will but become "enlightened" or "illuminated"or the self enlightenment,all sounding very spiritual with these words, that seem harmless enough,but in actual fact is anything but what jesus christ taught

    Not only in regards to himself,but in regards to the condition of humanity and what needs to happen if man is to be redeemed

    Jesus taught that he was the devine son of god,which was the reason the Sanhedrin put him on the cross,jesus taught that i am the truth and the light,no man can come to god but through me.

    He taught that man was in a fallen condition or if you like had a natural propensity since the fall to be at enmity with the father.He taught we naturally have a carnal nature that in and of itself cannot see eternal life,the exact opposite of esoteric belief of the eternal nature or immortality of the soul.

    jesus taught the soul that sins,shall surely die

    satan taught you shall become like god

    hense the eastern philosophy that has crept into mainstream christianity and into mainstream thinking

    You then go on to say "

    "the choice is for each individual to decide which he will choose,because the eastern philosophical point of view is the religion of the nwo one world government " what do you mean by that?

    There is a global elite,the rulers of this world,the Ptolemaic families,who control finance,religion,media and military throughout this world.

    You only have to look at any leader in high power in this world now has to align him/herself with a faction or secret society,ie knights of malta,freemasons,skull and bones etc etc etc,there is no such thing as individualism anymore,but the individual gives the facade of choice although fully controlled behind the scenes by which ever puppet master he/she bows to,to maintain power

    This is the agenda of globalisation,by hegalian dialectic,to create by deceit and push this world to a global crissis such as has not happened before

    So that mankind will accept a global government run by the united nations after the coming war in the middle east with syria russia and iran.

    "So religions do admit that individuals have a free will to choose since your religion starts of with Satan childishly influencing The fable about Adam and Eve?"

    Religion is something man made,so i cant answer that

    But what i can answer,is this,every man has free will to exercise with his conscience who he will serve,when democracy falls in war and financial collapse

    The ball game will change dramatically quickly,and personal individual freedoms will be swept away as governments take control

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