overeseas responses to abbotts election win, page-5

  1. 47,953 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    You posted;
    "... Unlike your champions Lappy the fruit of this victory will flow to all Australians, us adults and you children alike, ..."

    I did not vote with personal self-interest in mind; as someone who looks to the longer term and the bigger picture I regard Tony Abbott's election as a case of more lost opportunities for the maturation of Australia as a nation and for the diversification and modernisation of our economy.

    Abbott's intended abolition of the Carbon Tax / ETS, his ill-conceived direct action gift to big polluters and moves to allow mayhem on the GBR, Tasmania old growth forests and Qld's 'wild rivers' are green lights to environmental vandalism.

    That alone will significantly diminish the future of Australians and especially those who live long enough to cop the longer term impacts.

    As for encouraging population growth on an already grossly overpopulated planet; that's too ridiculous for words to describe.

    Of course Abbott's intention to rip off the franking credits of share market investors will certainly affect my retirement income.

    As for how anything Abbott has planned that will assist me or other self-funded retirees; that would be nil, zip, zilch and zero.

    As for allegations of malice and bitterness you assigned to me; all I'm doing is mirroring the behaviour of Tony Abbott as Opposition Leader in pointing to his gross exaggerations, slogans, delusional mantras, questionable public behaviour [lycra, sexist comments, ..] and his preposterous assertions.
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