jewish bible says war and killing is justified to , page-21

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    re: milesg Miles you posted

    "I do not beleive this is true because he does not have enough control over all of the groups and factions and the infrastructure needed to force control if this was desired has been destoyed by Israel"

    OK seeing we are having a rational discussion I'll go on with it.

    Oslo took place in '93. The Intifada started in Dec 2000.

    Arafat was in full control and had all the so called infrastructure in place.

    I cannot accept the argument that that is so often bandied around that "Arafat can't do anything, his infrastructure is gone".

    Why is it "gone"?

    He had 7 years to show that he was a genuine peace partner who had renounced terrorism.

    He had 7 years plus billions of $$$$$ to build a new nation with a proper democratic base, proper hate-less filled institutions.

    There is now a general acknowledgement that there was and is no accountability for the funds and the infrastructures that he was supposed to have overseen, were used for factories to cause the ultimate destruction of the State of Israel.

    Him and anyone claiming that he can't do anything now is akin to a person who has murdered his parents and expects the court to show him leniency because he is an orphan.......

    They have brought this on themselves and only when they decide that enough is enough,then they will elect a leader who cares more for his people that Arafat ever has.

    And that will be the first step forward.

    Hamas says it will not abide by any decsion. They state openly that the Jews must be pushed into the sea and that the WHOLE of Israel must be liberated.

    So what is Israel supposed to do? Do a deal with Arafat while other factions of his do whatever they like?

    Nope......They will keep on getting belted and belted and belted till they wake up and decide....Do we want a state or not? If they do, they will have to accept Israels presence in the region.

    If they do not, then this will go on until the Palestinians will have 100 times less than they do now, and that aint much.

    The whole thing was orchestrated and now they are paying for it.

    Germany knew when to quit. Japan knew when to quit.

    The Palestinians will learn one day that they too have to know when to quit.

    The lessons unfortunately will go on.
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