what buddhist think about homosexuality, page-44

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    i will now answer your unlearned sunday school views with correctness:

    For nature, the sexual appetite may be there only for procreation but nature is not anything perfect. The sexual appetite can drive people made, if not released. Soo...why are you celibate?

    you blaspheme here against Xuddha, Xexus & the Saints. Noble People & Dhamma people enjoy the bliss of celibacy because they are not Faith Followers or Ordinary People but instead 'Angels'.

    For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.

    In short, you have no idea &, thus, blaspheme, because you cannot accept this. Keep in mind i explained to you that you are a goat near the bottom of the Tree of Life rather than one near the top. This state of affairs is simply "Xod's will", i.e., the Way of Natural Genetics

    which countries in the world have the greatest population? China and India, Where did Buddhism originate? hich countries in the world have the most amounts of Buddhist in them?

    ignorant post. Xuddhism originated in northern India and was never the predominant religion of India or China. There was the time the Emperor Ashoka (meaning: 'without sorrow') did his bloody conquest of most of India and, afterwards, due to his guilt, sought counselling from a Buddhist monk and thus became a Buddhist & promoted Buddhism worldwide, leading to Buddhist missionaries going all around the world, including to Egypt & Greece. But when the Ashokan rule ended in India, so did Buddhism decline because the traditional Hindus never liked Buddhism. When the British came to India, Buddhism did not even exist there, it had become extinct. This shows the incorrectness, ignorance & learnedness of your post. As for China, the main religion was Confucianism.

    I've never seen anywhere in the Torah where it says what a Zionist population view is, and I've read it more than once.

    the Zionist view is found is Genesis, where it states to go forth & multiply; and later, in Exodus, where it says Hebrew [Zionist] women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.”

    SHOW ME ONE POST WHERE I HAVE SAID I SPEAK FOR GOD. you can't because I have never said it, just stick to the facts.

    non-sense. if you are asserting the Xope does not speak for Xod then obviously you are speaking for Xod. mere logic.

    Christ was very specific about his views on the Laws of God, Matthew 5, 17 & 18. Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets, I am not come to destroy but to fulfil, for verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled. VERY VERY SPECIFIC. anyone who has views which are contradictory to the Laws of God, DO NOT hold views similar to Christs.

    you do not know what Xesus meant here. this is obvious because Xesus Xist sought to change many Zionist Laws, such as 'eye for eye', 'divorce', 'stoning adulteress to death', 'prohibition on food', 'washing hands', etc

    either Xesus was a liar or you are wrong

    the Zionist Law of Moses, like Hitler, prescribed homosexuals must be stoned to death so it is obviously, as with the adulteress, Xesus would have re-wrote this law, just like he re-wrote the law in the sand with the adulteress

    lol....what you believe in is worse than Islam

    Mate, there is no evidence of re-incarnation or Karma or Nirvana either, but that doesn't stop your faith

    more sunday school ignorance

    Buddha did not teach about 'reincarnation' (despite the Tibetan Dalai Lama doing so) and Nirvana means 'without heat' & refers to the peace of mind when the burning & torment of greed & lust, hatred & delusion (ignorance) extinguish in the mind.

    as for 'karma', this simply means 'action', such as in the phase: "Do not be deceived, each reaps what he sows"

    there is no evidence of re-incarnation but there is certainly complete evidence for Karma & Nirvana.

    However, because you are a Xian, you can never experience Nirvana because Xianism does not have the Path (Way) to Nirvana.

    Instead, Xianism only teaches the Way to a childish relationship with an imaginary Father

    to end, for your sake, Buddha taught:

    (40) Others will have no learning; we shall be learned here — thus effacement can be done.

    (40) A person without learning has acquisition of great learning by which to avoid it.

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