5 stages of climate denial ahead of ipcc repor, page-38

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Just a few points


    "Global temperature increase from 1901-2010: 0.8 degrees
    Global temperature increase from 1979-2010: 0.5 degrees"


    Why the slowdown? If CO2 causes temperature rise then why with increasing CO2 1979-2010 the temperature increase drops by 38%?
    "C02 levels highest in 5 million years"
    And generally quite low levels of Co2 historically. Levels have been as high as 7000 ppm in the past. The question is, what does having the highest Co2 level in 5 million years actually mean.

    "Estimated that the ocean has absorbed 32-48 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide in the last 16 years, making them more acidic."


    32-48 billion tonnes is quite a range, hasn't it been determined with greater accuracy?
    Wouldn't it be just as accurate, though less alarming to say "slightly less alkaline"? How much did they absorb in the previous 16 years? If sea temps are rising and therefore reducing Co2 solubility then less not more should have been absorbed, no?


    "**FUN FACT: recent research suggests that as the ocean acidifies, organisms living in the oceans will release less of a chemical which enters the atmosphere and protects us all from deadly solar radiation."


    Which chemical, and from which organisms?


    "While the rate of increase has slowed over the last 15 years, down from 0.12 degrees/decade to +0.05 degrees/decade for the 15 years prior to 2012, the decade to 2012 was the warmest on record, confirming the upwards trend in average temperatures. The reasons for the slowing are not entirely understood, but contributing factors potentially include increased volcanic activity pumping a layer of sulfides into the upper atmosphere which we know helps cool it, a decrease in solar activity, a decrease in emissions caused by the GFC and a whole bunch of other things."

    Whole bunch of other things??? Sounds like someone is making stuff up as they go.....


    "Loss of arctic sea ice was approximately 3.9%/decade from 1979-2010"

    What about the increased Antarctic ice?


    "Why is it that those deniers always use the fact recent winters in the northern hemisphere have been particularly cold as evidence against climate change? You are mistaking a local climate for the global climate... "

    "Oh and BTW, hottest September day on record across may towns in QLD today. It also looks as if it will be QLD's hottest September on record, and if current projections are right this could be the hottest year on record across Australia. Nothing to worry about though, it's just those pesky lefties fear-mongering again."


    Notice any contradiction between those two statements? Mistaking of local for general etc yet proceeding to do the same...


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