pm abbott does night shift with local brigade., page-34

  1. 414 Posts.
    The state govt could stop a lot of the fires just from putting the poles and wires underground and save themselves a lot of money,the Winnmalee fire is said to have started from wires falling during high winds. My sister lives in the mountains and has underground power and not a fire through her estate in over twenty years.
    Of course you cannot stop embers falling and starting fires but they are doing a good job catching firebugs. The other problem is that people are just downright lazy when it comes to keeping property clean of bush litter and rubbish, I have seen this many times. These people will be the first to put their hands out for help when disaster happens. I am amazed when people say they have not been able to get valuable items and precious photos out, well if it is bushfire season then get a fireproof safe or leave them with someone out of the fire area. Too many think it's time to prepare when the fires are almost upon them, will we ever learn that fires will beat you almost every time.
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