treasurer joe hockey says commonwealth debt..., page-93

  1. 6,543 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    peran,me,is a old timer blacksmith & farrier (retired ofcourse).I've had enough financial nous to see me and my family quiet comfortable,due to working in mining sector
    in wa,for many moons.
    on the limited knowledge of any given subject,i would be
    looking stupid if someone did challenge to elaborate on my
    calling someone lying hypocrite.
    no I am not qualified to give you answer to your question.
    one thing I do know,thoug...that each and every time libs
    get into power,they inherite fin.mess.again,each time libs
    get into power they cleaned up.
    confidently,again I believe libs will somehow fix it

    quiet obviously is in lnp.dna
    hope you have good day sir.
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