computer scientists 'prove' god exists, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Is there any actual scientific proof that God does not exist? No.

    The actual fact of existence is proof of God, for those who are able to see. Without God, there is no existence. Even the "Big Bang Theory" falls short of explaining origins because the "Big Bang" is merely the first effect, and all of our science declares for their to be an effect, there must first be a CAUSE. As the Laws of Nature were formed during the "effect", then the "CAUSE" must be supernatural. The high degree of order observed everywhere in the universe, from the macro extremes of orderly structures of groups of galaxies to the micro extremes of sub-atomic particles prove that this supernatural first cause must be exceptionally intelligent, or that the observer must be exceptionally blind.

    It is like asking if a pot can prove that a potter exists.

    God created everything, including the scientific laws, and including people with ration and enquiring minds who use science to investigate creation. But the laws of science can not prove something outside of the creation within which they exist.

    Creation itself is proof of God's existence. Science tells us that matter and energy do appear from nothing. Design does not happen without a designer.
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