daytrading oct 25 morning, page-114

  1. 591 Posts.


    instances where a junior company has exposure to huge upside (800BCF prospective resource – could be worth over $2b) but a relatively low risk profile.

    Usually, projects like this are expensive to acquire; however, the relationships in the Ukraine and the way the deal has been structured (vendors are getting scrip and the only cash paid is out of cashflow) has resulted in a very attractive investment proposition.

    It is a large licence onshore Ukraine in a mature petroleum province, surrounded by producing oil and gas fields and criss-crossed with infrastructure. Any discovery can be quickly and inexpensively commercialised.

    A High gas price environment US$12/mcf and 50% netback makes economics very attractive.

    Prospects partially proven by two historic wells:
    • Shallow prospect no 1 = 130BCF – or ~$400m NPV potential. With a Company market cap of <$20m => 20x uplift – and this is only one of multiple prospects on the permit.
    o Independent log re interpretation suggests large gas / condensate pay in good quality reservoir
    o Cheap re-entry or twin well appraisal opportunity
    • Deep prospect no 1 = 162BCF – also $400m NPV potential.
    o More expensive to drill but larger follow up potential and likely to attract a farm-in partner

    Near term catalysts:
    • Updated resource (additional vintage seismic lines are likely to be obtained which should increase the confidence around the resource)
    • Progress on farm-out of deep prospect (and possibly shallow)
    • Acquisition of additional licences
    • Chevron moved into the area next door to Cossack
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