5:2 fasting , page-6

  1. 1,917 Posts.
    I eat quite healthy already and cook most of my own food however i tend to overeat.

    "I don't like the idea of fasting because your body goes into shock and keeps fat because your not refueling. You also can't exercise at a high level ie boxing / running because you have no fuel. This can't be a good thing."

    This goes against the "latest" research.

    *Will it put me into ‘starvation mode’?

    This is another very common myth. The initial response of your body to a reduction in calories is to increase your metabolic rate. This is because, in our hunter-gatherer past, survival in times of food shortage would have depended on our becoming more active, going out to hunt and look for food. Only under conditions of extreme calorie deprivation, when we have been for weeks without enough food and our body fat has fallen dramatically does the body go into “starvation mode”. IF is not the same as crash dieting. Starvation mode does not happen if you cut your calories for a day!!

    Remember you don't stop eating, you just cut the calorie intake by a 1/4 twice a week (In total only 20% less over 7 days). They do say that if you have a high intensity sporting event that day, just postpone the fast day to the next.

    I drink a glass or 2 of wine every night but will stop that on the fast days.

    Smithyex50- I have no doubt what you said works but for me it is not about weight loss (well a little), it's about the long term health benefits. Also following a strict diet is almost impossible while i'm away at work.
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