abc true cost explodes past billion+pensions

  1. 2,405 Posts.
    the cost of the abc is suggested as just the direct budget cost.

    i argue that first,the unfunded liability of the abc generous retirement benefits should be added,as if not government funded,the cost of the 'much loved' abc stars retirement would not fall on the taxpayer.this liability was just kicked down the road,and is real and will have to be paid. billion plus retirement benefits.

    plus,if the abc didn't give away content,private enterprise would make a dollar doing it, and pay tax.

    billion,plus sbs 250 million,plus retirement,plus missed tax.

    true cost to the taxpayer of giving the perpetually offended anti western godless pagans a media giant all of their own could top 2 billion dollars a year. 20 billion a decade to change australia socialist forever. let us stop this madness.
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