can altern. deputy pm husband travel overseas?, page-12

  1. 11,938 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 234
    You may be surprised that I agree with you.
    I don't support the ALP but disagree with the social conservatism of the Libs.

    I am a Libertarian.

    I think drugs are abhorrent but if adults chose to destroy themselves with drugs, that's their look out.
    I think sodomy is abhorrent, but its up to those that want to do it. I don't think the state has any role in saying who can call themselves married, they should get out of the marriage business.
    Gambling is just silly, but its up to the individuals involved.

    I hate the nanny state the ALP would see controlling our financial lives and the nanny state the Libs would see controlling our bodily choices.

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