god’s use of force—is it justified? , page-6

  1. RM
    7,515 Posts.
    you wont come across it cut and pasting from internet dictionaries, in original context in philosophical useage by scholars is that of a deviant from orthodox christianity. Hence if you read it and it is quoted by C S Lewis in one of his papers or say someone more modern day like Ravi Zacharias that is the correct context the biblical scholars would use.

    Today if I said TB you are queer but clearly gay, a man prone to bending over so you can collect faggots. Without you and your faggots no women could you ever keep you as warm at night.

    You may get a totaly wrong impression of what the original useage for the language was/is ;)

    also not refering tonque in cheek by inference to the more later medieval term for faggots regarding the religious context cheers.
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