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  1. 422 Posts.

    "non-sense. legalising Homosexuality results in less social tension, more love & acceptance thus less problems for homosexuals from rednecks or more self-respect for themselves"

    What you said is correct, in the sense that legalising homosexuality is ALL about homosexuals to the detriment of all Humans and especially Children as contrary to what you think Homosexual adoption is abusing Children and about power and control for People who without the Social engineering of Socialist permissive Governments would have been removed from existence by the evolutionary process or at least play a very insignificant role like that of Homosexuality in the animal Kingdom.

    This is a Social experiment that is going to come back and haunt Society as by admission of Police in news report this behaviour is increasing rapidly and we are not even beginning to deal with the effects of Children who have been forced to be part of the Experiment without any choice or regard.

    And to counter your little ?

    Is homosexuality beneficial?

    Is it possible for a homosexual to have principles?

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