a meat-eating, milk-drinking vegan

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    chances are that you found this subject tile perplexing.
    if, so it is due to mental conditioning
    if you want to get down to what is what
    you will see that in biology meat is defined as any matter that has more solid characteristics, such as a baked-bean.
    and milk, as any matter that is more liquid in nature, such as the sap from milkweed or cocoanut milk
    as a consequence of a vicious feedback loop between industry and human culture, we have got ourselves into a mental rut as well as a physical one
    also, when we hear certain words or phrases we often only focus on the negative aspects of them, such as discrimination, religion, and do-gooders - all of which have very positive applications.
    we watch the news and complain that it is often bad news
    but consider that the evening news on tv is, to a significant degree, a reflection of the bad kamma that we create.
    similar principle applies to the slaughter and abuse of sentient beings in food and so-called science industry
    why dont we use the proper names for what we have ingested, like murdered and tortured sheep, cows, kangaroos (you name it) rather than veal venison pork etc.
    we create a self deception in an attempt to quell our conscience (the voice of God, It, The All, or the law of the cosmos of a dead God)
    but the conscience knows better
    and it will eventually dish out the fitting consequences of the action, be it heaven, hell, or neither.
    the unrest or dis-satisfaction that you feel from time to time, is a consequence of a previous condition
    why not stack the odds in your favour?, since it's a hard job trying to save the world (ask jesus or the buddha etc)
    we don't have any say in what is coming to us from the past, but we do have some say in what we are doing right now.
    the results are uncertain, but only to a certain degree.

    how can we expect to gnosis the so-called deep mysteries of god, if we are unprepared to examine our own apparent superficialities?

    talk is cheap
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