religious contradictions, page-44

  1. 24,764 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37


    From your posts, I gather that you are a JW,"


    What gave you that idea?

    "I had studied for many years with these People and was never convinced of the answers of questions I asked as well as the hypocritical way they acted turned me away."

    Fair enough.

    "You state "there are no morals and ethics WITHOUT God".

    Can you explain what morals and ethics are involved in the Genesis account of how Humans got here considering that life began with 2 People of the same Genetic make up?"

    What I meant was that there is no objective morality without God, all you have left if opinion. I don't see the moral component in the Genesis act of creation, perhaps you can point it out for me?

    "They would of had to been incestuous to have created the Human race. Can you explain this and not just say that they were perfect so it did not effect them as the reason that has been given me by other JW's?"

    Explain what?
    The laws against incest didn't come about until around the time of Moses. And if by 'perfect' the JW's meant genetically perfect, that is to say they that they had the full compliment of the human genome (unlike us who are at the shallow end of that gene pool) then that would be a fair answer.

    "If a principle is a principle it either exists of it does not exist does it not?"

    Sure. I guess. It would depend on the principle in question though wouldn't it?

    "Jehovah's name means he causes to become in order to do what he has to too a achieve his purpose."

    Does it?

    "It would appear that his principles also change to achieve his purpose when you consider Genesis. Can you explain your reasoning on this?"

    Sure, I mean you didn't provide specifics so I'll just reply generally. By virtue of who he is, God is in a position where the rules' that might apply to us, don't necessarily have to apply to him.

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