why do human beings not believe in mortality? , page-43

  1. 6,761 Posts.
    Hi AuCu

    I didn't really skip answering you, I don't really know the answer to your question.

    I have read that the reason the human spirit is immortal is because it is of the same essence as, for want of a better word, God. This kind of makes sense of the teachings about being made in God's image. It then seems that humans are the only beneficiaries of this bequeath. Individuals are then charged with the responsibility to enrich their soul with learning and good deeds, so the story goes. This comes with a reward because justice demands both punishment and reward.

    If one believes in an eternal God, then by reason of the fact that we have souls made from the same substance as God, then our souls have no beginning and no end.

    I think that the question - when did the afterlife/soul business start? is impossible to answer other than to postulate that there was no start and we have always existed in the spirit just waiting for our moment of physical existence as a means to show our worth.

    At every permutation of human evolution we may have had an immortal soul. I guess as we have evolved into a state of greater reasoning our obligation to our soul has increased significantly.

    The trick is to think about this stuff and not get too tangled in the utter rubbish that the God botherers would have you believe is an exact religious science. Just watch Benny Hinn or Creflo Dollar to see where this stuff can lead people. They fall over when some idiot waves his hand, speak in tongues, hand over their children, hand over 10% of their earnings, blow themselves and others up for the love of God. These's absolutely no end to our stupidity.
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