tally ho watso - war on flab, page-42

  1. 29,737 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    here is a link, which calculates bodywater


    forget the scales, and rough ready calculators, the accurate way to measure body water is , as per wikipedia:-

    "Total body water can be determined using Flowing afterglow mass spectrometry measurement of deuterium abundance in breath samples from individuals. A known dose of deuterated water (Heavy water, D2O) is ingested and allowed to equilibrate within the body water. The FA-MS instrument then measures the deuterium-to-hydrogen (D:H) ratio in the exhaled breath water vapour. The total body water is then accurately measured from the increase in breath deuterium content in relation to the volume of D2O ingested."

    anyway, for what it is worth, but the first two calculation methods (including the watson formula - ha ha), seem to give results that are reasonably close to what the scales give... note the results are in litres of water in the body - so that has to be converted into a percentage and water weighs 1kg/litre.

    ok - how is this for a closeness between the scales and the online calculator.

    at the start of this thread, watso gave the following details:-

    ...weight 108.6kg
    ...body fat 26.5
    ... body water 50.5

    the body water percentage was actually 50.4% - as written down in his little blue book. using the "hume weyer formula" the water content of the body was 54.6 litres - and after allowing for a height of 1.87m, the percentage is 50.27% - wow, that is remarkably close to 50.4%

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