indonesian response to deteriorating situation, page-231

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    The apologists here certainly are a weird breed.

    SBY and Indonesian Politicians have a lot more (historically) to apologise for and to a lot more people than we do...

    ...however, it's head in the sand when it comes to them.

    Yudhoyono turns a blind eye to religious/sectarian violence in his own backyard and look at what happens in West Papua. Look at their history with East Timor. Look at the Australian journalists murdered and look at the Bali bombing. Look at the tens of thousands of illegal Asylum seekers who somehow manage to set sail from the same/regular locations. Look at the flag and effigy burning that is encouraged by the Indonesian leaders.

    We all know very well that the Indonesian leaders speak with forked tongue and really do not give a shit about us. It is all take and no give. They have zero respect for Australia.

    And what of the Indonesian Spy Chief admission of bugging of Australian politicians in 2004?

    "...Indonesian ambassador Imron Cotan said he could not comment and referred The Age to General Hendropriyono.

    Prime Minister John Howard said later he could neither confirm nor deny claims about national security.

    He said Australian democracy was safe, its policy on East Timor was 100 per cent correct and its relations with Indonesia remained very strong.

    A spokesman for Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said it was not the first time that foreign intelligence agencies had made such claims.

    "But we just don't comment on intelligence matters..."


    Yudhoyono suffers from a serious case of Forked Tongue and Blind Eye.

    He is acting like a big baby. An interesting contrast to how Howard and Downer handled the reverse bugging incident in 2004, versus Yudhoyono's handling of the current incident.

    Okay, so this latest incident happened under a previous Australian Prime Minister and in the same way, the 2004 incident happened under a different Indonesian President.
    So perhaps Tony Abbott should be equally demanding a public apology from Yudhoyono about the 2004 incident. Perhaps Tony Abbott should be crying about this disgusting incident in 2004 and kicking and stamping his feet and whipping his population into a frenzy.

    We all (including our apologist mates) know that our leaders are not going to stoop to the same lows that their Indonesian counterparts do, but our PC apologist mates are quick to tell us that this is all to do with thee Indonesians' different cultural make-up and that we must respect this.

    No doubt, our resident apologists will continue to come up with some excuse for joining Yudhoyono and turning a collective blind eye.

    Quite disgusting...the attitude of our resident PC apologists - if anyone is racist, it is them.
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