message from adam bandt, page-39

  1. 8,606 Posts.
    Look at this:

    Each and every single one of these disasters came about through ignoring the safety-net of sciences attempts to mitigate disasters via trying to educate politicians and voters about PROBSBLE disaster - that all occurred.

    Now tell me that science is always wrong and that these disasters are a beat up?
    Because people - investors - like you caused them directly. It is time to make ethical investments and divest out of ANZ and Commonwealth bank for bank-rolling so many potentially disasterous projects.

    Argue with this in an intelligent way, i dare you to try, please, for everyones sake. WAKE UP AUSTRALIA.

    Main article: Environmental impact of agriculture
    Salinity in Australia
    Salinization of the Fertile Crescent
    The Dust Bowl in Canada and the United States (1934–1939)
    The Great sparrow campaign; sparrows were eliminated from Chinese farms, which caused locusts to swarm the farms and contributed to a famine which killed 38 million people.
    Africanized bees, known colloquially as "killer bees"
    Mismanagement of the Aral Sea
    "Dirty dairying" in New Zealand
    Chestnut blight
    Extinction of American megafauna
    Extinction of Australian megafauna
    Deforestation of Easter Island
    Destruction of the old growth forests
    Rabbits in Australia
    Red imported fire ants
    Dutch Elm Disease
    Devil facial tumour disease
    Reduction in the number of the American Bison
    Introduction of the Nile perch into Lake Victoria in Africa, decimating indigenous fish species
    The Saemangeum Seawall
    Emerald Ash Borer
    Environmental threats to the Great Barrier Reef
    2006 Zakouma elephant slaughter
    Invasive species in New Zealand
    The loss of Biodiversity of New Zealand
    Ghost nets
    Grounding of SS Makambo on Lord Howe Island
    Shark finning
    Decline of vultures in India due to Diclofenac leading to increased incidence of rabies
    Extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger

    Coordinates of the Industrial Environmental Disasters found on this page, shown in Google. Complete with the Wikipedia descriptions listed below built into each location.
    Minamata disease - mercury poisoning in Japan (1950s & 1960s)
    Ontario Minamata disease in Canada
    Itai-itai disease, due to cadmium poisoning in Japan
    Love Canal toxic waste site
    Seveso disaster (1976), chemical plant explosion, caused highest known exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in residential populations
    Bhopal disaster (December 3, 1984, India), The leak of methyl isocyanate that took place in 1984 resulted in more than 22,000 deaths (and counting) and the various genetic diseases that will continue to be seen for generations to come among the newly born, caused by the negligence and corruption, ignoring safety standards in India by Warren Anderson, CEO of Union Carbide, a US company now a subsidiary of Dow Chemicals.
    Sandoz chemical spill into the Rhine river (1986)
    United States Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites in the United States
    AZF Explosion at a Toulouse chemical factory (2001)
    2005 Jilin chemical plant explosions
    The Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens sites in the city of Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, known as the largest toxic waste site in North America.
    Release of lead dust into Esperance Harbour.
    Release of cyanide, heavy metals and acid into the Alamosa River, Colorado from the Summitville mine, causing the death of all marine life within a 17 mile radius.
    Release of 20,000 gallons of lethal chemicals (metam sodium, tradename Vapam) into the Upper Sacramento River near Dunsmuir, causing the death of all aquatic life within a 38 mile radius.
    Release of CFC's resulting in ozone depletion
    Release of sulfur dioxide after a fire at the Al-Mishraq plant in Iraq
    The Phillips Disasters
    Vila Parisi (Brazil)
    Health issues on the Aamjiwnaang First Nation due to chemical factories
    Environmental issues with the Three Gorges Dam
    Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill
    The Great Smog in London in 1952
    Main article: Environmental impact of mining
    Coal mining in Centralia
    Phosphate mining in Nauru
    Phosphate mining in St. Pierre Island
    Coal mining[edit]
    Martin County sludge spill
    Tennessee coal sludge spill
    Mountaintop removal mining
    Oil industry[edit]
    Main article: environmental impact of the oil shale industry
    Environmental issues in the Niger Delta relating to the oil industry
    Lago Agrio oil field issues
    Exxon Valdez oil spill
    Arctic Refuge drilling controversy
    Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    Sidoarjo mud flow triggered by Lapindo Brantas gas exploration in 2006; East Java, Indonesia
    Leaded gasoline introduced 1920s; phased out globally by 2012.
    Main article: Environmental impact of nuclear power

    Mushroom-shaped cloud and water column from the underwater nuclear explosion of July 25, 1946, which was part of Operation Crossroads.

    November 1951 nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site, from Operation Buster, with a yield of 21 kilotons. It was the first U.S. nuclear field exercise conducted on land; troops shown are 6 mi (9.7 km) from the blast.
    See also: Nuclear and radiation accidents, List of civilian nuclear accidents, List of military nuclear accidents, and List of civilian radiation accidents
    Chernobyl disaster in 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine, "killed at least 4056 people and damaged almost $7 billion of property".[1] Radioactive fallout from the accident concentrated near Belarus, Ukraine and Russia and at least 350,000 people were forcibly resettled away from these areas. After the accident, "traces of radioactive deposits unique to Chernobyl were found in nearly every country in the northern hemisphere".[1]
    Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster: Following an earthquake, tsunami, and failure of cooling systems at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant and issues concerning other nuclear facilities in Japan on March 11, 2011, a nuclear emergency was declared. This was the first time a nuclear emergency had been declared in Japan, and 140,000 residents within 20 km of the plant were evacuated.[2] Explosions and a fire have resulted in dangerous levels of radiation, sparking a stock market collapse and panic-buying in supermarkets.[3]
    Mayak nuclear waste storage tank explosion, (Chelyabinsk, Soviet Union, 29 September 1957), 200+ people died and 270,000 people were exposed to dangerous radiation levels. Over thirty small communities had been removed from Soviet maps between 1958 and 1991.[4]
    Windscale fire, United Kingdom, October 8, 1957. Fire ignites plutonium piles and contaminates surrounding dairy farms.[5]
    Soviet submarine K-431 accident, August 10, 1985 (10 people died and 49 suffered radiation injuries).[6]
    Soviet submarine K-19 accident, July 4, 1961. (8 deaths and more than 30 people were over-exposed to radiation).[7]
    Nuclear testing at Moruroa and Fangataufa in the Pacific Ocean
    Fallout from the Castle Bravo nuclear test at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands
    The health of Downwinders
    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Within the first two to four months of the bombings, the acute effects killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki, with roughly half of the deaths in each city occurring on the first day.
    Proliferation of plastic shopping bags
    See also: Air pollution
    The Donora Smog of 1948 in Donora, Pennsylvania in the United States
    The Great Smog of 1952, which killed 4,000 Londoners
    The 1983 Melbourne dust storm
    The 1997 Southeast Asian haze
    The 2005 Malaysian haze
    The 2006 Southeast Asian haze
    Yokkaichi asthma in Japan
    Health problems due to the Jinkanpo Atsugi Incinerator in Japan
    Kuwaiti oil fires
    The Dust Bowl of Canada and the United States
    Contaminated soils in Mapua, New Zealand due to the operation of an agricultural chemicals factory
    Basin F, a disposal site in the United States for contaminated liquid wastes from the chemical manufacturing operations of the Army and its lessee Shell Chemical Company
    2006 Côte d'Ivoire toxic waste dump
    Sandoz chemical spill, severely polluting the Rhine in 1986
    Selenium poisoning of wildlife due to farm runoff used to create Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge, and the artificial wetland
    The Jiyeh Power Station oil spill in the Mediterranean region
    Effects of polluted water in the Berkeley Pit in the United States
    Ignition and conflagration (13 times from 1868 to 1969) of the Cuyahoga River in Ohio, United States
    Cheakamus River derailment which polluted a river with caustic soda
    Draining and development of the Everglades
    Loss of Louisiana Wetlands due to Mississippi River levees, saltwater intrusion through manmade channels, timber harvesting, subsidence, and hurricane damage.
    Coral bleaching
    Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone due to high-nutrient fertilizer runoff from the Midwest that is drained through the Mississippi River.
    The artificial Osborne Reef off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the United States
    Dumping of conventional and chemical munitions in Beaufort's Dyke, a sea trench between Northern Ireland and Scotland
    Marine debris
    Environmental threats to the Great Barrier Reef
    Nurdles, plastic pellet typically under 5mm in diameter
    Friendly Floatees
    The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
    Minamata disease, mercury poisoning in Japan
    Mercury in fish
    Ocean acidification due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
    See also: List of oil spills
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