abbotts dangerous words re hitting children, page-38

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    comrade dust is just a more vocal and obvious consequence of the problems we as a community face with leftist political correctness, leftist victimism, and of course the need for the lefties to empower and induce easy to dupe youngsters without any concept that there are consequences for their actions, to vote for the socialists...

    dust's inane and wacky rantings should be taken as another "canary in the coalmine" of the dangerous and degenerate effects of leftist dogma and social engineering intruding into our families...

    Discipline through childhood with the associated respect and consideration of the consequences of ones actions are an essential and necessary part of a child's growing up and maturing process...

    The lesson that actions->consequences->punishment will inevitably be learned at some stage in life and like many childhood deceases, it is better to have/learn it at a young age...

    For the most part, childhood discipline through a rare and gentle smack becomes and remains the nuclear deterrent against bad behavior and like a nuclear deterrent, only really works if it is not deployed but only the threat of deployment exists and is thought to be real...

    Like a nuclear deterrent, a sufficient demontration must be seen so that the very real linkage between "action->consequences" is established and reinforced...

    The lefties are desperate to corrupt our children and their mental processes and this is one the many methods they employ...

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