remove word 'racist' from aussie dictionary.

  1. 22,683 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    No matter where anyone mentions people from another country, even the indigenous Aboriginals, either in the humour, general or any other forum it is deemed by an outspoken minority, (then again when you look around the streets, schools and T.V. maybe it's the majority now.)

    Anyhow I'll be dead before the current immigrants will reduce Australia to be totally controlled by their barbaric and sadistic, and stupid ways.

    But I digress, If WE talk about Yanks, Poms, Kiwis, Poles,
    Irish, The Russkies and Canadians it IS NOT RACIST.

    Can someone please explain if we talk about people from another race, it must be obviously a racist comment, so why does everyone get on their high horse and make a big deal of it.

    WE ARE RACISTS if we talk about people coming into our country and DEMANDING, yes DEMANDING, that we do things their way, to please them.

    Even the 'do gooders' would kick up a stink if they came home to find their 'house/home' transformed to the style of an interloper, yet don't seem to care, and even encourage these same people to impose their life style on the whole country, and the land of our children, and grandchildren.

    WAKE UP, while there is still a little time left to do so!!!!!

    Everything is a racist rant, for the love of whatever, get over it.
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