daniel christie,dies family turns life support, page-31

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Mowibble, your post makes sense but that is if we lived in a utopian society.

    It's like saying we should rid the streets of drugs, alcohol and promote family values. It is all very idealistic, but it is not the reality. Yes, we would all like that in a perfect world and we should always strive to achieve this.

    However, how do we deal with the problem at hand. You want guidance as apposed to heavy punishments.

    I'm not sure if violence has increased, but I know the nature of the violence has increased. Glassing and king hits have become the norm.

    Yes, we all make mistakes, but the problem is, people need to learn that actions have consequences and the judicial system needs to send the right message.

    Put these perps away for lengthy sentences and give them the guidance they need whilst in prison. Then we have control over their rehabilitation instead of sending them back onto the streets too early.

    Clearly weak sentences aren't sending the message, so it is time for a change.

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