islam, page-17

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    "But they will blame everyone but themselves"

    That is correct and that is a massive problem for all of us.

    Multiple parties squabbling because they don't even agree on the guiding principles of management. They have been squabbling (since day 1 - which is how the religion spread - by the sword) and have not even got to the cause (probably because they realise in their heart of hearts) - the biggest problem of all - the religion of Islam - is faulty.

    When a system is faulty or broken, often what happens (particularly by the immature) is the kneejerk - excuses are made rather than looking and searching inward for the root cause and fixing it. In the case of Islam, you have the two general approaches to addressing the issue and they both deal with the problem and critically, not the cause (which is a deeper problem):

    - moderates making excuses and blaming others
    - radicals lashing out and blaming others

    In a world that is interconnected in so many complex ways (now, far more than ever before) and exponentially moreso as time marches on, society as a whole can no longer put its collective heads in the sand and look the other way, or think that it is not a problem because "their" problems don't affect "us". Gone are the days where a problem on the other side of the fence has virtually no impact on the rest of us... "their" problem is now "our" problem. If "they" cannot solve the problem, "we" must.

    In the case of the problem of Islam, the first stage is to deal with the immediate problem (the violence and threats) head-on and while this happens, stage two is to deal with the cause. The cause of the Islamic problem is an issue (the fact that the religion is faulty, at least in its teachings and interpretations) which has never been able to be sorted out, right from the very beginning in the 6th and 7th centuries.

    Step one - a collective effort by all non-Islamic parties to go head on and put the immediate problem (the violence) back into its box - a massive and messy task indeed, but if not addressed, it will only become more massive and more messy.

    Step two - force the followers of Islam to reassess their beliefs and re-establish a completely new set of ethics and morals - this actually contradicts the teachings of Muhammad and Islam because he said that the literal "word" of the Quran is the literal "word" of the Quran...

    ...and perhaps herein lies the heart of the problem - the make or break of the ultimate survival of the religion. The more mature religions have already moved on from realising that the "literal" "word" of god can be interpreted and moulded (somewhat) to fit the times; the core morals of their belief system a shared mutual respect of others remains in tact.

    Let's face it - if you do follow a monolithic religion, whether it is judaism, christianity, or other, and forgetting the thousands of sects within and even breakaway systems, the bottom line is the same core belief in one-god. There really should be no underlying difference between one man and another. If one prefers one flavour (one religion and/or sub-sect) over another, so be it - it is just a taste thing.

    Islam is young and immature. If the others do not step in to teach it how it should interpret its version of its one-god understanding, there will be anarchy.

    Time is running out to resolve these problems. Decision time...actually, no, Action time!
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