a question of the cooks here -, page-13

  1. 22,633 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    There's two schools of thought on this.
    Some will say put steak on, and DON'T touch, only turn once.
    One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier post is that I 'salt & peppa" my steaks on one side, then place them in pan, salted side down, then s&p the other side when it's in the pan.
    Never had a steak stew in it's own juices, boil, since cooking like this.
    Hestons' method is almost like a rotisserie, but I put them into a very hot pan, turn them after the wife starts yelling, "you'll burn them!", and then turn them about every few minutes 'till cooked, (WELL DONE).
    Alternately, they can be removed earlier, for those that like raw meat.
    We don't chase a cow 'round the paddock any more taking bites out of its' hindquarters, even though I can tolerate meat having a very light tinge of "pink', we both like our meat cooked, i.e. NO BLOOD.
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