religious commit more crime than atheists, page-6

  1. 25,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Spot on.

    The game is the same but the Atheists tend to play it differently. "Generally" speaking when a non-Atheist wants to proselytise they'll do it directly, "Follow Jesus", "Follow Allah", "Follow the Buddha" etc and 'most' with obviously exceptions don't seem to be to fussed about suppressing other (non harmful) beliefs. The Atheists work by elimination, by actively trying to limit the amount of exposure that people get to non-Athiest beliefs. The prime examples of course are having a cry whenever someone mentions baby Jesus in a public school or dares to challenge the belief in evolution that is so prevalent today. Instead of engaging the discussion they simply try to shut all discussion down. Always be wary of people who seek to limit information.
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