finally!, page-47

  1. 3,404 Posts.
    If Japan and China faced off it would be a no contest-Japan would be anhilated and any involvement from the US would have to be a little more than covert to make any difference...

    That being said the US are school yard bullies and only pick fights they know they can easily win. Look at Iraq/Afghanistan-here you have a situation where they 'thought' there were weapons of mass distruction so in they go guns blazing.

    Then look at North Korea-a situation where you have a direct threat, a country that not onlys has WMD's confirmed in their posession BUT is also threatening to use these weapons of mass destruction against the US and what do they do....NOTHING!!! Not a single dam thing!!

    All because they know it wouldnt be an easy win...oh and that China may jump in to stand up for their buddy...

    Oh and North Korea doesnt have oil...

    So if push came to shove over Japan I wouldnt be counting on the US to come save the day. I could care less iF China become the dominant world leader-the US are hardley the moral compass of the world-a sick country where hundreds of murders shown in prime time TV EVERY NIGHT is classified as 'entertainment' yet a flash of breast is considered obscene....
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