my god what have we become?, page-15

  1. 35,138 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    no it is not acceptable whether a boy or a girl.

    i mentioned that the victim was a girl because in that society and in that area of the world in general a female is considered and treated worse than a dog. the male is supposed and created to protect the female not abuse and slaughter them for no reason other than that they are female. there is something very wrong psychologically, with these men

    and as director pointed out killing an animal is not murder nor are they or nor can they be considered to be a moral equivilent of a human being - the highest order of creation.

    and when i said "we" as in the royal, tho you or i would not take a young girl out in the street and strangle her, i was referring to the human race as a whole.

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